Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Lottery

The Lottery
By Shirley Jackson

Reflection Questions

1 1. Is the lottery a collective act of murder? Is it morally justified? Is tradition sufficient justification for such actions? How would you respond to cultures that are different from ours that perform "strange" rituals?

  2. Were you surprised by the ending of the story? If not, at what point did you know what was going to happen? How does Jackson foreshadow the ending?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Story of an Hour

The Story of an Hour

Please, choose at least two questions to answer or respond to your classmates comments instead.
1. "Now she understood that freedom is stronger than love." What do you think of this idea? What kind of freedom does Louise find? Where did she find it? 

 2. Louise thinks, "Men and women always believe they can tell others what to do and how to think." Why do you think she believes this? Do you agree with her?
3. What does Louise mean when she says, " Free, free, free!" Free from what? Today, are women more free than men, or less free?